Learn to do Quality Control / Tester in just 20 hours




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(CV on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/annguyenit/)

I have more than 10 years of experience in the software industry, the markets that I have participated in include: Japan, the US and Vietnam.

I have also experienced many positions in software projects: Developer, Tester, Quality Assurance, Business Analytics, especially many years with the position of Project Manager and Senior Manager.

I am currently working as a Quality Assurance / Quality Control Manager for a software company with more than 100 people.

Hope to see you as soon as possible.


A - Description of the course

1/ Simple lecture structure

2/ Details and definitions close to reality, will help students understand what Quality Control is?

3/ Can perform the basic work of a Quality Control (QC) / Tester in the project.

4/ If you don't know where to start to understand Quality Control (QC), this is the course for you.

B - Subject of the course

+ The course is for those of you who do not know anything about Quality Control and want to become a Quality Control / Tester in an Outsourcing project.

+ You already have basic knowledge of Testing and want to better understand Testing in software project.

+ You are working in Quality Control field and want to know more about analysis techniques, Testing reports in software projects.

+ You are in another position in a software project such as Developer / Quality Assurance. Want to know more about Quality Control (QC) / Tester position in software project

C - Outputs of the course

After the course you will understand:

1 - Distinguish the Quality Assurance and Quality Control positions in the software project.

2 - Know how to create Unit Test Case, execute Unit Test Case.

3 - Know how to create Integration Test Case, execute Integration Test Case.

4 - Know how to measure the productivity of creating Test Cases, executing Test Cases.

5 - Know how to log standard bugs to the management system.

6 - Know how to report every day and evaluate the quality of the product.

7 - Know how to analyze bugs and draw lessons, as well as how to change the quality of the project

D - Course requirements

To take this course you need:

1 - Passion and desire to learn about Testing in software.

2 - Each day spend about 2 hours to study and practice doing exercises during the course.

3 - During the learning process, actively discuss directly with the lecturer to better understand the lesson.

4 - Complete the required course assignments.

5 - Download materials and software provided by the course.

E - Documents

[1] - Template Unit Test Case in Excel

[2] - Template Unit Test Case using Spreadsheet

[3] - Template Integration Test Case in Excel

[4] - Template Integration Test Case using Spreadsheet

[5] - Template Report of Test Case creation progress

[6] - Template Report of Testing progress based on Test Case

[7] - Bug Analysis Template

F - Tools

[1] - Snapgit . Tool

[2] - Count Test Case tool

[3] - Document Format Tool


Chapter 1: Introduction to the course

Lesson 1: Objectives and objectives of the course

Introduction to QC (Tester) course for those who want to learn about this industry. Want to find a job in QC (Tester) in software companies.

Lesson 2: Study guide with the program's lecturers

How to study with teachers.

Join the study group and ask questions through the group

Lesson 3: The author's guide to joining the community of Qualiy Assurance / Quality Control

QA/QC community and engagement guide to increase the amount of knowledge in the learning process.

Lesson 4: Distinguishing QA and QC

What is QA, what is QC? After this article you will have a clear distinction between these two positions. As well as the performance of these two roles.

Lesson 5: Types of testing in software

Types of Testing in software outsourcing include:

+ Unit Testing

+ Integration Testing

+ Acceptance Testing

Introduction to basic techniques in Testing:

+ Black box

+ White box

+ Gray box

+ Monkey testing

Lesson 6: Introduction to the basic functions of the course

Exercises throughout the learning process include the "user information management" function, which includes 4 main functions and 3 screens:

1 - Login screen with password.

2 - The screen displays the list with search function. (including delete)

3 - User's information editing screen.

Chapter 2: Unit Testing Skills

Lesson 1: What is Unit Testing?

1 - Explain Unit Testing in software.

2 - Essential parts of Unit Testing.

3 - Objectives of Unit Testing

Lesson 2: Instructions for creating Unit Testing (UT) templates using Excel

Use excel files as sheets as follows:

1 - Summarize the status of the Test Case.

2 - Write Unit Test Case including:

+ Test Case ID, Content of Test Case, Expected Result, Column for status of Test Case

Lesson 3: How to create Unit Testing (UTC) template using Spreadsheet (Google sheet)

Do the same thing as lesson 2, but use spreadsheet (Google Sheet) to create Test Case files

Lesson 4: Introduction to Point Of View

What is POV? Why use POV? The use of POV will help QC (Tester) have a faster view in the process of writing Unit Test Cases, as well as performing Unit Testing in software projects.

Lesson 5: Incorporating Point Of View into Test Case writing techniques and Testing

Incorporating POV view in the process of writing Unit Test Case as well as Testing.

Lesson 6: How to format Unit Test Case (UTC) documents using Excel

When creating Unit Test Case. You need to do the proper formatting of the document before releasing it for a later stage.

Lesson 7: Instructions for using the author's Excel document format tool

Introducing the author's excel addin tool and quickly formatting documents, instead of having to format with standard excel keys.

Lesson 8: Solve Unit Test Case exercise for basic screen flow.

Instructions for writing test cases on screens:

+ Login screen

+ List User screen

+ Modify User screen

Lesson 9: Implement Unit Test Case and create Unit Test Report

Based on Test Case, execute test case, record error information, test case status

Chapter 3: Integration Testing Skills

Lesson 1: What is Integration Testing?

1 - Explain Integration Testing in software.

2 - Essential parts of Integration Testing.

3 - Objectives of Integration Testing

Lesson 2: Instructions for creating Integration Testing (ITC) templates using Excel

Use excel files as sheets as follows:

1 - Summarize the status of the Test Case.

2 - Write Test Cases including:

+ Test Case ID, Content of Test Case, Expected Result, Column for status of Test Case

Types of Unit Test Case samples:

1 - Write horizontally.

2 - Write in matrix form.

3 - Write in the form of a checklist.

Lesson 3: Instructions for creating Integration Testing (ITC) templates using Spreadsheet (Google sheet)

Do the same thing as lesson 2, but use spreadsheet (Google Sheet) to create Test Case files

Lesson 4: Introduction to Screen Flow

Introduction to screen flow in software project? Why is screen flow necessary when doing Integration Testing? Instructions for using the software to create screen flow for the project.

Lesson 5: How to use Screen Flow in writing Integration Test Cases and performing Testing

How to read screen flow to write Integration Test Case.

Lesson 6: How to format the Integration Test Case (ITC) document

When doing test case creation. You need to do the proper formatting of the document before releasing it for a later stage.

Lesson 7: Solve the Integration Test Case (ITC) exercise for basic screen flow

Write Integration Test Case based on screen flow and business of the project.

Lesson 8: Implement Integration Test Case and create Integration Test Report

Perform testing against Integration Test Case and generate Integration Test Report

Chương 4: Hướng dẫn log/monitoring bug trên hệ thống quản lý dự án

Lesson 1: Why log bugs to the project management system?

Introduced the process of logging bugs to the system and resolving bugs, deploying fixed bugs to Testing environment to confirm bugs.

Lesson 2: What items are needed for bug information?

Basic information includes:

1 - Bug name

2 - Description of the bug

3 - Bug's Severity

4 - Bug type, bug cause,

5 - What phase is the bug in?

6 - What does the bug remedial action include.

7 - Take a re-image of the bug.

Lesson 3: Introduction to Redmine/Excel/Spreadsheet for bug management.

+ Instructions for using Redmine to log bugs.

+ Create Excel/Spreadsheet template to log bugs.

Lesson 4: Instructions to log bugs on Redmine system

Details how to log bugs from Test Case file to Redmine system.

Lesson 5: How to log bugs on Excel/Spreadsheet

Details how to log bugs from Test Case file to excel/spreadsheet file to share permissions for the whole team.

Chapter 5: Data summarization and reporting techniques during testing

Lesson 1: Introduction to [Test Plan] in software project

What is Test Plan? Why Test Plan is needed? Parts to pay attention to in Test Plan.

Lesson 2: Instructions on how to get Test Case data every day using Excel

Create a statistical table to create Test Case data every day using excel.

Use charts to collect data

Lesson 3: Instructions on how to calculate the productivity of creating Test Cases every day in Excel

How to calculate the productivity of each tester during test case creation based on the time spent creating.

Lesson 4: Instructions on how to get data to perform Test Case every day in Excel

Create a statistics table of testing performed every day in excel.

Use charts to collect data

Lesson 5: Instructions on how to use Excel's quick data collection tool

Introducing Excel's quick data collection tool to calculate the number of Test Case creation and Testing

Lesson 6: How to get bug data from Excel system

Instructions to create a daily bug report that is created and changed every day based on the bug management excel file. Based on the fields (fields) information such as:

1 - [Created date]

2 - [Modified date]

3 - [Status] of the bug

4 - [PIC]/[Author] of the bug

From there the statistics:

1 - Number of bugs created per day.

2 - Number of bugs resolved per day.

3 - What is the current bug trend like.

Lesson 7: Instructions on how to get Test Case data every day using Spreadsheet

Create a statistical table to create Test Case data every day using excel.

Use charts to collect data

Lesson 8: Instructions on how to calculate the productivity of creating Test Cases every day Spreadsheet

How to calculate the productivity of each tester during test case creation based on the time spent creating.

Lesson 9: Instructions on how to get data to perform Test Case every day Spreadsheet

Use the IMPORTRANGE function to get data from different spreadsheet files.

Use the INDIRECT function to get data from sheets.

Lesson 10: How to get bug data from Spreadsheet system

Instructions to create a daily bug report that is created and changed every day based on the bug management excel file. Based on the fields (fields) information such as:

1 - [Created date]

2 - [Modified date]

3 - [Status] of the bug

4 - [PIC]/[Author] of the bug

From there the statistics:

1 - Number of bugs created per day.

2 - Number of bugs resolved per day.

3 - What is the current bug trend like.

Lesson 11: How to get bug data from Redmine system

Use the export feature of Redmine system to get the bug information, then import the data into excel/spreadsheet for bug analysis.

Lesson 12: Create a daily summary report for Testing

Make a summary report for the Testing phase:

1 - Total number of Test Cases in total, for each function/screen.

2 - Evaluate the quality of each function/screen.

3 - Test case creation productivity / test execution productivity.

4 - Progress of phase testing.

Lesson 13: Instructions for creating charts (Burndown chart, column chart, etc.) for reports

Detailed explanation of chart types for phase testing, including [burndown, column, pie chart] in the report.

Chapter 6: Guide to bug analysis, quality analysis, and quality improvement actions

Lesson 1: How to see the quality of the project through Test Case and Bug data

Introduction to NORM number in Testing phase. Based on the actual data obtained to assess the quality of the project, pass or fail, the points need to be improved.

Lesson 2: A guide to analyzing the bug list based on the type of bug and the cause of the bug

Create bug analysis, draw charts, comment based on bug trends, bug types and bug causes.

Lesson 3: A guide to taking actions to improve the quality of the project

Actions to improve project quality and execution, tracking results after implementation.

Lesson 4: Introduction to the author's Redmine automatic quality assessment and analysis tool

Use the spreadsheet tool integrated with the author's Remine system to conduct statistics and analyze bugs quickly.


After the course you will be issued a certificate of completion from https://smartitsoft.com/


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Price: 2.500.000 VNĐ (Source pirce: 6.000.000 VNĐ) sale up to 58%

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